1.0 atm pressure, 300 K nominal temperature

Data sources

Short name Reference Source
ezl90_d F. N. Egolfopoulos, D. L. Zhu, C. K. Law, Proc. Combust. Inst. 23 (1991), 471-478.
hakf98_l Hassan, M. I., Aung, K. T., Kwon, K. C., and Faeth, G. M. J. Propul. Power 1998, 14, 479.
jom05_d G. Jomaas, X. L. Zheng, D. L. Zhu, C. K. Law, Proc. Combust. Inst. 30 (2005), 193-200.
kmsl08_a K. Kumar, G. Mittal, C.-J. Sung, C. K. Law, Combust. Flame 153 (2008), 343-354.




F. N. Egolfopoulos, D. L. Zhu, C. K. Law, Proc. Combust. Inst. 23 (1991), 471-478.

Phi Pres (kPa) Temp (K)
0.60 101.3 298
0.70 101.3 298
0.80 101.3 298
0.90 101.3 298
1.00 101.3 298
1.05 101.3 298
1.10 101.3 298
1.20 101.3 298
1.30 101.3 298
1.40 101.3 298
1.50 101.3 298
1.70 101.3 298
1.90 101.3 298

Hassan, M. I., Aung, K. T., Kwon, K. C., and Faeth, G. M. J. Propul. Power 1998, 14, 479.

Phi Pres (kPa) Temp (K)
0.80 101.3 298
0.90 101.3 298
1.00 101.3 298
1.10 101.3 298
1.20 101.3 298
1.40 101.3 298
1.60 101.3 298

G. Jomaas, X. L. Zheng, D. L. Zhu, C. K. Law, Proc. Combust. Inst. 30 (2005), 193-200.

Phi Pres (kPa) Temp (K)
0.60 101.3 298
0.70 101.3 298
0.80 101.3 298
0.90 101.3 298
1.00 101.3 298
1.10 101.3 298
1.20 101.3 298
1.30 101.3 298
1.40 101.3 298

K. Kumar, G. Mittal, C.-J. Sung, C. K. Law, Combust. Flame 153 (2008), 343-354.

Phi Pres (kPa) Temp (K)
0.50 101.3 298
0.60 101.3 298
0.70 101.3 298
0.80 101.3 298
1.00 101.3 298
1.10 101.3 298
0.90 101.3 298
1.30 101.3 298
1.40 101.3 298