import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import mumpce_py
import mumpce_py.cantera_utils as mpct
import tqdm
import mpc_parallel
main_title_punc = '*'
def find_x_in_comp_string(comp_string,species):
'''Takes a Cantera composition string and finds the number of moles of a particular species in that string.
:param comp_string: The Cantera composition string being parsed
:param species: The species name whose value is to be found
:type comp_string: str
:type species: str
:returns: val, the number of moles of the desired species
comps = comp_string.split(',')
for comp in comps:
if comp.find(species) > -1:
comp_split = comp.split(':')
val = float(comp_split[1])
return val
[docs]def find_data_sets(df):
"""Takes a pandas.DataFrame object containing mumpce_py.cantera_utils compatible measurements and returns the data sources and data sets in the DataFrame.
In the Small Hydrocarbon Databse, measurements are named according to the convention source_setidXX, where 'source' is a string that uniquely identifies the origin of the data (e.g. paper, online database, etc), setid is a unique identifier for each set within that source, and XX is a unique identifier for each measurement within a set. This function will return all of the unique source strings and source_set strings.
:param df: The pandas DataFrame to be parsed
:type df: pandas.DataFrame
:returns: sources,sets, the data sources and data sets contained within the dataframe.
ids = df.ID.values #Find all of the IDs that are in this DataFrame
#Assume that the sets are named according to Source_SetXX where XX identifies a particular measurement within a set.
id_full = np.array([ident.split('_') for ident in ids]) #Returns ['Source' 'SetXX'] for each Source_SetXX
id_strip_num = np.array([ident[:-2] for ident in ids]) #Returns ['Source_Set'] for each Source_SetXX
sources = np.unique(id_full[:,0]) #Find each unique Source
sets = np.unique(id_strip_num) #Find each unique Source_Set
return sources,sets
[docs]def make_ign_docs(primary_fuel_name,sources,project_list):
'''Creates the documentation for the ignition delay times in the database
This function takes a primary fuel name and creates the main documentation page for that fuel. It will also make the subpages for each of the experimental sets described in `sources`. In addition, the function will return the table of contents for the primary fuel's main documentation page.
:param primary_fuel_name: The English name of the fuel for which the documentation page is being created
:param sources: The list of sources associated with this fuel
:param project_list: The list of mumpce Projects containing ignition delay information
:returns: main_contents, the table of contents for the primary fuel main page
main_contents = ''
for source in sources:
main_contents = '\n '.join((main_contents,source+primary_fuel_name))
return main_contents
[docs]def make_ign_subpage(source,primary_fuel_name,project_list):
'''Creates the documentation page for a single data source
This function takes a data source and creates the main documentation page for that source. It also creates the individual subpages for each data set associated with that source.
:param source: The source for which the main page and subpages will be created.
:param primary_fuel_name: The English name of the fuel for which the documentation page is being created
:param project_list: The list of mumpce Projects containing ignition delay information
:returns: contents, the table of contents for the data source main page
#boilerplate for the subpages
rst_datasource='''.. data header title
.. toctree::
:maxdepth: 2
:caption: Contents:
set_TOC_format = '{} <{}>'
#Get projects associated with this project source
sets_for_this_source = [project for project in project_list if source in]
#Get the data source for this project
first_project = sets_for_this_source[0]
source_name = first_project[0].comment
#Build the title for this source page
title_underline = main_title_punc * len(source_name)
docname = '\n'.join((source_name,title_underline))
#Start building the TOC for this data source
contents = ''
for project in sets_for_this_source:
#Make the doc page for this project and get the project identifier
setname = make_ign_doc_page(project)
set_ID = setname.split('_')[1]
set_title = 'Set ' + set_ID.capitalize()
#Make the line associated with this project in the table of contents
set_TOC_line = set_TOC_format.format(set_title,setname)
contents = '\n '.join((contents,set_TOC_line))
datasource_contents = rst_datasource.format(docname,contents)
datafile = source + primary_fuel_name + '.rst'
with open(datafile,'w') as f:
return contents
[docs]def make_fls_docs(primary_fuel_name,primary_fuel,project_dict):
'''Creates the documentation for the laminar flame speeds in the database
This function takes a primary fuel name and creates the main documentation page for that fuel. It will also make the subpages for each of the experimental sets described in `sources`. In addition, the function will return the table of contents for the primary fuel's main documentation page.
:param primary_fuel_name: The English name of the fuel for which the documentation page is being created
:param primary_fuel: The Cantera name of the fuel
:param project_dict: The dictionary of mumpce Projects containing laminar flame speed information
:returns: main_contents, the table of contents for the primary fuel main page
main_contents = ''
main_contents = make_fls_subpage(primary_fuel,project_dict)
return main_contents
[docs]def make_fls_subpage(primary_fuel,project_dict):
'''Creates the documentation page for a single data source
This function takes a data source and creates the main documentation page for that source. It also creates the individual subpages for each data set associated with that source.
:param primary_fuel: The Cantera name of the fuel
:param project_dict: The dictionary of mumpce Projects containing laminar flame speed information
:returns: contents, the table of contents for the data source main page
contents = ''
for key in project_dict:
project_list = project_dict[key]
nominal_T = str(470)
bin_ends = key[1].split(',')
end_T = int(bin_ends[1].rstrip(']'))
if end_T < 325:
nominal_T = str(300)
elif end_T < 375:
nominal_T = str(360)
elif end_T < 425:
nominal_T = str(400)
nominal_pres = key[0]
contents = '\n '.join((contents,make_fls_doc_page(primary_fuel,nominal_pres,nominal_T,project_list)))
return contents
[docs]def make_main_page(primary_fuel_name,data_source_table,main_rstcontents):
'''Creates the table of contents for the top level index page.
This function accepts a boilerplate restructured text string and inserts the primary fuel name as the tile and the data source table as the table of contents. It returns the properly-formatted restructured text.
:param primary_fuel_name: The English name of the primary fuel. This will be the title of the documentation page
:param data_source_table: The table of contents that will go into the index file. This will be inserted into the documentation page as its table of contents
:param main_rstcontents: A string representing the index page boilerplate.
:returns: main_source_contents, the information that will be written to the documentation file
#Build the document title
primary_fuel_underline = main_title_punc * len(primary_fuel_name)
primary_fuel_title = '\n'.join((primary_fuel_name.capitalize(),primary_fuel_underline))
#Load the data source table and title into the boilerplate and return it to the main function
main_source_contents = main_rstcontents.format(primary_fuel_title,data_source_table)
return main_source_contents
[docs]def make_main_ign_page(primary_fuel_name,data_source_table):
'''Creates the top level index page for a set of ignition delay time projects
This function takes a primary fuel name and a table of sources and creates the top-level index page for that fuel.
:param primary_fuel_name: The English name of the primary fuel
:param data_source_table: The table of data sources that will go into the index file
:type primary_fuel_name: str
:type data_source_table: str
#Title page boilerplate
main_rstcontents = '''
.. toctree::
:maxdepth: 2
:caption: Contents:
main_source_contents = make_main_page(primary_fuel_name,data_source_table,main_rstcontents)
main_source_file = primary_fuel_name + '_ign.rst'
with open(main_source_file,'w') as f:
return main_source_contents
[docs]def make_main_fls_page(primary_fuel_name,data_source_table):
'''Creates the top level index page for a set of laminar flame speed projects
This function takes a primary fuel name and a table of sources and creates the top-level index page for that fuel.
:param primary_fuel_name: The English name of the primary fuel
:param data_source_table: The table of data sources that will go into the index file
:type primary_fuel_name: str
:type data_source_table: str
#Title page boilerplate
main_rstcontents = '''
.. toctree::
:maxdepth: 1
:caption: Contents:
main_source_contents = make_main_page(primary_fuel_name,data_source_table,main_rstcontents)
main_source_file = primary_fuel_name + '_flame.rst'
with open(main_source_file,'w') as f:
return main_source_contents
[docs]def load_projects(df):
"""Takes a pandas.DataFrame object containing mumpce_py.cantera_utils compatible measurements and returns a list of mumpce.Project objects built from measuremenst in the DataFrame.
This function will use :py:func:`find_data_sets` to break the DataFrame into sources and sets. Each set will then be built into its own Project, and each Measurement in the Project will be a measurement from that data set.
In the Small Hydrocarbon Databse, measurements are named according to the convention source_setidXX, where 'source' is a string that uniquely identifies the origin of the data (e.g. paper, online database, etc), setid is a unique identifier for each set within that source, and XX is a unique identifier for each measurement within a set.
:param df: The pandas DataFrame to be parsed
:type df: pandas.DataFrame
:returns: project_list, the list of Projects contained within the dataframe.
project_list = []
sources,sets = find_data_sets(df)
for data_set in sets:
try: #Try to load the project from the expected save file
project = mumpce_py.load_project(data_set)
except FileNotFoundError: #The project doesn't exist, so create it and its measurement list
print('Project {} does not exist, creating it'.format(data_set))
measurement_list = mpct.measurement_initialize_pd(df.iloc[[data_set in s for s in df.ID.values]])
project = mumpce_py.Project(measurement_list=measurement_list,name=data_set)
project_list += [project]
return project_list
[docs]def run_project_parallel(project_to_run):
'''Check to see if the Measurements in a Project have been evaluated and, if they havent, evaluate them. Returns the Project. This is the parallel version.
for meas in project_to_run:
print (, meas.model_value)
if project_to_run[0].model_value is None: #If the model value is blank, run the project
values = mpc_parallel.evaluate_parallel(project_to_run,nWorkers=5)
for meas_name,val in values:
project_to_run[meas_name].model_value = val #Load model values back into the project
return project_to_run
[docs]def run_project(project_to_run):
'''Check to see if the Measurements in a Project have been evaluated and, if they havent, evaluate them. Returns the Project.
for meas in project_to_run:
print (, meas.model_value)
if project_to_run[0].model_value is None:
for meas in tqdm.tqdm_notebook(project_to_run,
print(, ' Value has been calculated')
return project_to_run
[docs]def run_project_sensitivity(project_to_run):
'''Check to see if the Measurements in a Project have been evaluated for sensitivity analysis and, if they havent, evaluate them. Returns the Project.
if project_to_run[0].sensitivity_list is None:
for meas in tqdm.tqdm_notebook(project_to_run,
print(, ' Sensitivity has been calculated')
return project_to_run
def make_fls_plot(primary_fuel,pres,nominal_T,project_list):
'''Creates a plot of the data for laminar flame speeds at a particular nominal condition associated with a list of :py:class:`Project` objects
#Figure name
figname_fmt = '{}_{}_{}K_plot.png'
figname = figname_fmt.format(primary_fuel,pres,nominal_T)
fig,ax = plt.subplots()
#Extract calculation data for plot
project_to_run = project_list[0]
phis = [find_x_in_comp_string(meas.model.initial.composition,primary_fuel) for meas in project_to_run]
md_v = np.array([meas.model_value for meas in project_to_run])
#Extract experimental data for plot
for project in project_list:
phis = [find_x_in_comp_string(meas.model.initial.composition,primary_fuel) for meas in project]
ex_v = np.array([meas.value for meas in project])
ax.legend(loc='lower center')
return fig,figname
def make_data_plot(project):
return make_ign_plot(project)
def make_ign_plot(project):#,fig,ax):
'''Creates a plot of the data for a single ignition delay set associated with a :py:class:`Project`
pjname =
figname = + '_plot.png'
temps = np.array([1000/meas.model.initial.T for meas in project])
ex_v = np.array([meas.value for meas in project])
md_v = np.array([meas.model_value for meas in project])
indices = np.argsort(temps)
fig,ax = plt.subplots()
ax.set_xlabel('1000 / T')
#for meas,temp,tau in zip(project,temps,np.exp(ex_v)):
# ax.text(temp-0.005,tau*1.01,[-4:],ha='right')
#for meas,temp,tau in zip(project,temps,np.exp(md_v)):
# ax.text(temp+0.005,tau*1.01,'\n {:4.2f}'.format(tau),ha='left')
return fig,figname
[docs]def make_fls_doc_page(primary_fuel,nominal_pres,nominal_T,project_list):
'''Creates the documentation page for laminar flame speeds at a particular nominal condition associated with a list of :py:class:`Project` objects
#This is the default format string that will be used to make the restructured text file
rststring = rststring = '''.. data title
.. composition tables
.. image:: {}
# Format strings to build the composition table
condition_line_fmt = '{:^5.2f} {:^10.1f} {:^8.0f}'
condition_head_fmt = '{:5} {:10} {:8}'
condition_table_outer = condition_head_fmt.format('=====','==========','========',)
condition_table_inner = condition_head_fmt.format('-----','----------','--------',)
condition_header = condition_head_fmt.format(' Phi ','Pres (kPa)','Temp (K)')
#The title of the page
doc_title_fmt = '{} atm pressure, {} K nominal temperature'
#Build the document title
doc_title_text = doc_title_fmt.format(nominal_pres,nominal_T)
title_underline = main_title_punc * len(doc_title_text)
doctitle = '\n'.join((doc_title_text,title_underline))
#Build the filename
docfile_fmt = '{}_{}_{}K_plot'
listname = docfile_fmt.format(primary_fuel,nominal_pres,nominal_T)
#Initialize the blank data source table
source_punc = '-'
data_source_table = ''
#Blank composition table
composition_data = ''
for project in project_list:
#Get the data source for this project and build the section title
source = project[0].comment
source_underline = source_punc * len(source)
source_header = '\n'.join((source,source_underline))
#Build the header for the composition table
composition_data = '\n'.join((composition_data,source_header,''))
condition_table = '\n'.join((condition_table_outer,condition_header,condition_table_outer))
for meas in project:
#Extract the temperature, pressure, and equivalence ratio data from this measurement
phi = find_x_in_comp_string(meas.model.initial.composition,primary_fuel)
temp = meas.model.initial.T
pres = meas.model.initial.P/1000 # convert to kPa,
#Build this line of the condition table
condition_line = condition_line_fmt.format(phi,pres,temp)
condition_table = '\n'.join((condition_table,condition_line))
condition_table = '\n'.join((condition_table,condition_table_outer))
#Add the composition table to composition data
composition_data = '\n'.join((composition_data,condition_table,''))
#Make the flame speed plot
fig,figname = make_fls_plot(primary_fuel,nominal_pres,nominal_T,project_list)
rstcontents = rststring.format(doctitle,composition_data,figname)
filename = listname + '.rst'
with open(filename,'w') as f:
return listname
def make_doc_page(project):
return make_ign_doc_page(project)
[docs]def make_ign_doc_page(project):
'''Creates the documentation page for a single ignition delay set associated with a :py:class:`Project`
rststring = '''.. data title
.. data source
.. composition table
Data Table
.. data table
.. image:: {}
component_line_fmt = '{:9} {:6}'
component_table_outer = component_line_fmt.format('=========','======')
component_table_inner = component_line_fmt.format('---------','------')
condition_line_fmt = '{:^8.0f} {:^10.1f}'
condition_head_fmt = '{:8} {:10}'
condition_table_outer = condition_head_fmt.format('========','==========')
condition_table_inner = condition_head_fmt.format('--------','----------')
condition_header =condition_head_fmt.format('Temp (K)','Pres (kPa)')
setname =
set_ID = setname.split('_')[1]
source = project[0].comment + ': Set ' + set_ID.capitalize()
title_underline = main_title_punc * len(source)
doctitle = '\n'.join((source,title_underline))
#print (source)
pj_comp = project[0].model.initial.composition
pj_comp_split = pj_comp.split(',')
component_header = component_line_fmt.format('Comp','Frac %')
component_table = '\n'.join((component_table_outer,component_header,component_table_outer))
for component in pj_comp_split:
component_split = component.split(':')
component_name = component_split[0]
component_frac = float(component_split[1])
component_percent = '{:4.1f} %'.format(component_frac * 100)
component_line = component_line_fmt.format(component_name,component_percent)
component_table = '\n'.join((component_table,component_line))
component_table = '\n'.join((component_table,component_table_outer))
#print (component_table)
condition_table = '\n'.join((condition_table_outer,condition_header,condition_table_outer))
for meas in project:
temp = meas.model.initial.T
pres = meas.model.initial.P/1000 # convert to kPa,
condition_line = condition_line_fmt.format(temp,pres)
condition_table = '\n'.join((condition_table,condition_line))
condition_table = '\n'.join((condition_table,condition_table_outer))
#print (condition_table)
fig,figname = make_data_plot(project)
rstcontents = rststring.format(doctitle,source,component_table,condition_table,figname)
filename = + '.rst'
with open(filename,'w') as f: